Microsoft Azure

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18 Hours

Course Price

$ 299.00

4.5 (23)


Course Content


1. Cloud Computing Introduction

  • What is Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Characteristics
  • Cloud Computing Service Models
  • Deployment Models in Cloud Computing
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

2. Getting Starting with Azure

  • Introduction to Azure
  • Azure Hosting Models
  • Azure Services
  • Subscribing to Microsoft Azure
  • Azure Portals
  • Azure Resource Group
  • Installing Microsoft Azure SDK

3. Overview of Azure Networking

  • Virtual Network Benefits
  • Understanding Network Resources
  • Create a VNet using Azure Portal
  • Create a Subnet
  • Setup Network Security Group
  • Create a Public IP Address
  • Create Network Interface Card with public, and private IP addresses
  • Create a Virtual Machine
  • Configure external and internal load balancing
  • Implement Azure Application Gateway
  • User Defined Routes (UDRs),
  • Understanding and using Azure DNS at the virtual network level
  • Design and implement a multi-site or hybrid network
  • Point-to-Site Network
  • Site-to-Site Network
  • ExpressRoute Solution

4. Azure Virtual Machine

  • Introduction
  • About Virtual Machine Workloads
  • Comparing VM with Web Apps and Cloud Services
  • Create a Windows Virtual Machine using Portal / PowerShell / ARM Templates
  • Deploy popular application frameworks by using Azure Resource Manager templates
  • Understand and Capture VM Images
  • Upload an on-premise VHD to Storage Account
  • Deploy a New VM from the Captured Image
  • Virtual Machine Scale Sets
  • Virtual Machine Disk Types and VM Storage
  • Virtual Machine Sizes in Azure
  • Importing and Exporting Disks
  • Configuring VM Security
  • Perform configuration management
  • VM Extensions & VM Agents
  • Custom Script Extensions
  • Desired State Configuration (DSC)
  • Puppet or Chef
  • Configure VM monitoring, configure alerts, diagnostic and monitoring storage location.
  • Azure VM Backup and Restore Services

5. Azure App Services - Web Apps

  • Introduction
  • App Service - Application Types
  • Deploy Web Apps
  • Deploying Web App directly from Visual Studio
  • Automate deployment from Dropbox and One Drive
  • Create, configure and deploy packages
  • Implement pre- and post-deployment actions

6. App Service plans

  • Create App Service Plan
  • Migrate Web Apps between App Service plans

7. Create a Web App within an App Service plan

  • Configuring Web Apps
  • Application Settings Configuration,
  • Database Connection Strings,
  • Configuring Handlers and Virtual Directories,
  • Configure a custom domain name
  • Enable SSL for your custom domain
  • Understanding Deployment Slots and Roll back deployments;
  • Configure Web Apps for scale and resilience
  • Horizontal and Vertical Scaling of a Web App
  • Configure auto-scale
  • Change the size of an instance
  • Azure Traffic Manager to Scale out Globally
  • Monitoring, Debugging and Diagnosis
  • Retrieve Diagnostics data
  • View Streaming Logs
  • Configure endpoint monitoring
  • Configuring Alerts
  • Configure diagnostics
  • Use remote debugging
  • Monitor Web App resources

8. Managing Azure with Windows PowerShell

  • Installing the required modules
  • Login to Azure Portal
  • Managing Resource Group
  • Managing App Service Plans and App Service Web Apps
  • Create and Configure a Storage Account
  • Managing Storage Accounts using PowerShell
  • Understanding Azure Resource Manager (ARM)
  • Exporting and Importing ARM templates

9. Design and Deploy ARM templates

  • Implement ARM templates
  • Author ARM templates; create ARM templates to deploy ARM Resource Providers resources; deploy templates with PowerShell, CLI, and REST API
  • Control access
  • Leverage service principles with ARM authentication, use Azure Active Directory Authentication with ARM, set management policies, lock resources
  • Design role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Secure resource scopes, such as the ability to create VMs and Azure Web Apps; implement Azure role-based access control (RBAC) standard roles; design Azure RBAC custom role

10. Managing Data in Azure SQL Database

  • Introduction/Overview of SQL Database.
  • Comparing SQL Azure Database to Azure / On-Premise SQL Server.
  • Creating and Using SQL Server and SQL Database Services.
  • Azure SQL Database Tools.
  • Migrating on premise database to SQL Azure.
  • Planning the Deployment of an Azure SQL Database
  • Elastic Pools.
  • Monitoring Azure SQL Database
  • Configure SQL Database Auditing
  • Manage Business Continuity
  • Export and Import of Database
  • Backup and Recovery options in SQL Database

11. Active GEO-Replication

12. Long Term Backup Retention


Trainer Profile

Interview Questions & Answer

1) What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is defined as storing and accessing data over the internet. It doesn't store any data on the hard disk of your personal computer. In cloud computing, you are allowed accessing data from a remote server.

 2) What is Microsoft Azure?

Azure is a cloud computing platform, launched by Microsoft in Feb 2010. It is a highly flexible cloud platform that offers development, data storage, service hosting, and also service management.

3) What are the roles implemented in Windows Azure?

There are three roles in Windows Azure:

  • Web Role

  • Worker Role

  • Virtual Machine Role

 Web Role:  this gives a web solution that is front-end. This is like an ASP.NET application. While under facilitating, Azure gives IIS and required services.

Worker Role: this gives solutions for background service.  It can run long activities.

Virtual Machine Role: The roles of both web and worker are executed on virtual machines. The Virtual Machine Roles give the client the capacity to modify the virtual machine on which the web and worker roles are running.

4) Define Windows Azure AppFabric.

Windows Azure Diagnostics empowers you to gather diagnostic data from an application by running in Windows Azure. Diagnostic data is used for capacity planning and also evaluation.


5) What is table storage in Windows Azure?

 Table storage in Windows Azure service stores a lot of organized information. Windows Azure tables are perfect for putting away organized, non-relational data.

 Table: A table is a collection of entities. Tables don’t uphold a blueprint on elements, which implies that a solitary table can contain substances that have distinctive arrangements of properties. A record can contain numerous tables.

Entity: An entity is an arrangement of properties, like a database row. An entity can be up to 1 MB in size.

Properties: A property is a name–value pair. Every entity can incorporate up to 252 properties to store data. Every entity likewise has three system properties that determine a segment key, a row key, and a timestamp.

6)  What is autoscaling in Azure?

Scaling by including extra instances is frequently referred to as scaling out. Windows Azure likewise supports scaling up by utilizing bigger role rather than more role instances.

 By adding and expelling role instances to our Windows Azure application while it is running, we can adjust the execution of the application against its running costs.

An autoscaling solution reduces the amount of manual work engaged in dynamically scaling an application

 7) What is Windows Azure Traffic Manager?

It enables users to control the distribution of user traffic of installed Azure cloud services. There are three distinctive load-balancing strategies provided by Azure. The Manager who works on traffic applies a routing policy to the Domain Name Service (DNS) questions on your domain names and maps the DNS courses to the apt instances of your applications.


8) What are the advantages of cloud computing?

 The various advantages of cloud computing which are as follows;

  • The versatility of the system can be altered if the business requires certain modification.

  • They are highly available which increases its end users to get benefited by every inch.

  • The system is capable of tolerating fault of a single part and overcomes it by remaining completely functional.

  • The service allows you to pay only when the system is in use. You can easily reallocate the system when you use them and also get saved from the charge.

  • The system has brought into light the payment for the operation rather than the investment in the machines.


9) What is meant by PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS?

 These are the basic terms while dealing with the cloud services and are commonly asked in an Azure interview:

  • PaaS is Platform as a Service that enables you to get a platform to deliver without directly giving authorization to the OS software.

  • SaaS is Software as a Service is devoid of platform infrastructure software that can be used without direct purchase.

  • IaaS is Infrastructure as a Service which enables you to get the hardware from the provider as the desired service which can be configured by the user.

9) What do you mean by a domain?

 The interconnected and interlinked nodes that are often a measure undertaken by the organization is known as the domain. These relations are carried by only one point of the organization.

10) Explain the Window Azure platform?

 It is collectively a PaaS (platform as a service) developed by the Microsoft programmed to run a deployment vehicle and a runtime for the data center to host the cloud computing.



AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud

To understand what is Microsoft Azure, we must also know about other cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform. Let’s compare them.

Below are the some of the differences between the three cloud service providers.


Microsoft Azure

Google Cloud Platform

12 years old

7 years old

6 years old

Amazon S3 is mostly used for secondary backup

Backup is built into Azure

Does not provide any backup

Gives managed virtual tape infrastructure across hybrid environments

Enterprise-grade hybrid cloud storage

It relies on partners like Egnyte

Dominant market position

Second largest provider

Recently launched and new

Pricing is per hour

Pricing is per minute

Pricing is per minute


Cloud Computing is in its emerging stage, and therefore there is a lot of scope to grow in this area as a professional with the right certification and the right platform.

Azure holds the largest market share, after AWS. With the extensive use of AWS, there are many professionals who already have mastered it and the job market for AWS has now become saturated. On the other hand, opting for Google Cloud would not help you much, since most of the Fortune 500 companies are not on Google Cloud right now. Hence, the number of jobs available for Google Cloud is comparatively less. Being in the middle ground, getting certified as an Azure Professional is going to be a tactically good choice.

Why Azure Stack?

Microsoft Azure Stack is a new hybrid cloud platform product. It allows our organization to deliver Azure services from our own datacentre in order to help us achieve more. Get the power of cloud services, yet maintain control of our datacentre for true hybrid cloud agility. You can decide where to keep our data and applications

– in our own datacentre or

-with a hosting service provider.

Easily access public cloud resources to scale at busy times of the year, for dev-test or whenever we need them. Only Microsoft builds and runs its own hyper-scale datacentres and delivers that proven innovation to our datacentre.

 Bring Azure services to our datacentre

Transform on-premises datacentre resources into cloud services for maximum agility. Run Azure infrastructure services - including Virtual Machines, Virtual Network, and even blob/table storage - or applications like SQL Server or SharePoint. IT gets to control the on-premises service delivery experience. Empower developers to write cloud-first applications using on-premises deployments of Azure App Service and Docker-integrated containers. Make them productive with the same self-service experience as Azure.


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