Angular Training

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  • Courses


25 hours

Course Price

$ 449.00

4.5 (23)


Course Content





1 Angular Introduction - Angular fundamentals, Typescript, Compilation

Understanding about Angular fundamentals like What is Angular, why and where to use it. Along with Typescript concepts and syntax and how TS is compiled to JS to get executed on browser


2 Angular Getting Started - Environment setup, Writing basic programs

Understanding about how to start working with a very basic Angular application


3 Components - Creating Components, styling components, Templates

As components are the basic building blocks of angular, we'll cover the basic operations with components, such as creating and styling a component, passing template to a component


4 Directives - Angular directive, Custom directives

Will learn about pre defined Angular directives along with how to create various types of custom directives for Angular Project


5 Pipes - Angular pipes, Custom pipes

Will learn about pre defined Angular pipes along with how to create custom pipes for Angular Project


6 Services - Services, DI

Will learn how to create services for Angular and how to inject services in components while performing DI


7 Fetching Data - Calling RESTFull service, CRUD Operations

Since data is a basic need of every application, here you'll learn how to extract the data from a RESTFul service using http methods of Angular


8 RXJS - Observable, observers, subscriber, subject

Will cover how to perform synchronous and asunchronous tasks using observable pattern in rxjs


9 Routing - SPA, Passing / Reading query strings, Route Guards

In this module, you'll learn how to create single page applications using Angular by routing. Also, you'll learn how to pass values through query string and reading the values from wuery string on different components


10 Component Life Cycle

Will learn about various life cycle hooks where we can find ways of writing code for different purposes during a component life cycle


11 Component Communication

Will learn various ways using which one component can send the values to anouther component


12 Forms - Create reaactive / template driven forms, Forms Validation

We'll learn how to take data from users using reactive and template driven Forms and put validations for taking the valid data only. 


13 Material 

We'll learn about UI component library provied for Angular apps


14 Deployment - AOT/JIT

We'll cover different types of compilation process using aot & jit. 


15 Testing

We'll learn writing basic unit test cases for Angular components



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