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15 Hours

Course Price

$ 299.00

4.5 (23)

Course Content





1 Angular Introduction - Angular fundamentals, Typescript, Compilation

Understanding about Angular fundamentals like What is Angular, why and where to use it. Along with Typescript concepts and syntax and how TS is compiled to JS to get executed on browser


2 Angular Getting Started - Environment setup, Writing basic programs

Understanding about how to start working with a very basic Angular application


3 Components - Creating Components, styling components, Templates

As components are the basic building blocks of angular, we'll cover the basic operations with components, such as creating and styling a component, passing template to a component


4 Routing - SPA, Passing / Reading query strings, Route Guards

In this module, you'll learn how to create single page applications using Angular by routing. Also, you'll learn how to pass values through query string and reading the values from wuery string on different components


5 Component Life Cycle

Will learn about various life cycle hooks where we can find ways of writing code for different purposes during a component life cycle


6 Component Communication

Will learn various ways using which one component can send the values to anouther component


7 Forms - Create reaactive / template driven forms, Forms Validation

We'll learn how to take data from users using reactive and template driven Forms and put validations for taking the valid data only. 



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Interview Questions & Answer


1)What is Angular JS?

AngularJS is a javascript framework used for creating single web page applications.  It allows you to use HTML as your template language and enables you to extend HTML’s syntax to express your application’s components clearly

2) What are the features of AngularJS?

  • Scope
  • Controller
  • Model
  • View
  • Services
  • Data Binding
  • Directives
  • Filters
  • Testable

3) With options on page load how you can initialize a select box ?

You can initialize a select box with options on page load by using ng-init directive

  • On = "! ! accounts" ng-init = " loadData ( ) ">

4) Mention what are the advantages of using AngularJS ?

AngularJS has several advantages in web development.

  • AngularJS supports MVC pattern
  • Can do two ways data binding using AngularJS
  • It has per-defined form validations
  • It supports both client server communication
  • It supports animations

 5)Explain what is data binding in AngularJS ?

Automatic synchronization of data between the model and view components is referred as data binding in AngularJS.  There are two ways for data binding

  1. Data mining in classical template systems
  2. Data binding in angular templates

6)Explain what is the difference between link and compile in Angular.js?

  • Compile function: It is used for template DOM Manipulation and collect all of the directives.
  • Link function: It is used for registering DOM listeners as well as instance DOM manipulation. It is executed once the template has been cloned.

7) Mention what are the advantages of using Angular.js framework ?

Advantages of using Angular.js as framework are

  • Supports two way data-binding
  • Supports MVC pattern
  • Support static template and angular template
  • Can add custom directive
  • Supports REST full services
  • Supports form validations
  • Support both client and server communication
  • Support dependency injection
  • Applying Animations
  • Event Handlers

8) Explain templates?

Templates are the rendered view with information from the controller and model. These can be a single file (like index.html) or multiple views in one page using "partials".

9) Explain angularjs boot process?

When the page is loaded in the browser, following things happen:

  • HTML document is loaded into the browser, and evaluated by the browser. AngularJS JavaScript file is loaded; the angular global object is created. Next, JavaScript which registers controller functions is executed.
  • Next AngularJS scans through the HTML to look for AngularJS apps and views. Once view is located, it connects that view to the corresponding controller function.
  • Next, AngularJS executes the controller functions. It then renders the views with data from the model populated by the controller. The page gets ready.

10) How angular js integrateswih hTML?

AngularJS being a pure javaScript based library integrates easily with HTML.

Step 1 − Include angularjs javascript libray in the html page





Step 2 − Point to AngularJS app

Next we tell what part of the HTML contains the AngularJS app. This done by adding the ng-app attribute to the root HTML element of the AngularJS app. You can either add it to html element or body element as shown below:







In order to build a high-performance application is the first foremost factor in the Web development industry. Also, building a powerful website with developer’s most loved language will always give the perfect platform to build highly functional sites. Angular is one of the top emerging and well-established framework.

Angular is used widely by multi-national companies like Google, Facebook, Paypal, etc for its advanced features. It creates a rich web application and offers its developers to create an interactive client-side application. Angular is the most popular JavaScript front-end framework. An open-source application framework, AngularJs is used to create interactive components of a website. It is a highly preferred framework, due to its effectiveness, simplicity, and flexibility. In simpler terms, AngularJS can be defined as a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It enables the user to use HTML as the template language.

Traditional-Web Application vs Single-page Application

If you recall our old days, whenever you request any web-page from the browser. For each and every request, the page reloads to display the data.

 This model is called Traditional-Web Application (TWA). The main problem of the TWA model was that the page rendering process for each & every request was time-consuming and it eventually disrupted the user experience.   

To overcome all these, Single-Page Application model was introduced in late 2002. SPA model resolved frequent reloading of the webpages for each and every request forwarded by the use of making a web application to respond faster than before.

So, what is the SPA model? Let us understand this in more detail.

In the SPA model, the client requests a URL, and then the complete page is loaded to the client’s browser. Now, this does not require page reloading.

Multi-national companies around the globe have their website based on SPA Model such as Google, Facebook, PayPal, etc.

Afterward, many JavaScript frameworks like Angular, Vue.js, etc adopted the SPA model.

Now that you have understood how Single Page Applications resolved the problem with TWA.


8 Reasons why AngularJS should be used for development


  • Intuitive and Declarative interface
  • Efficient usage of MVC
  • Lesser code
  • Data models are pojo
  • Directives
  • Dependency injections
  • High performance
  • Filters

Intuitive and Declarative interface

HTML is used to define the web applications interface while using Angular. HTML is considered to be intuitive and declarative in nature. It is lesser convoluted than defining an interface in JavaScript.

The execution of the app can also be determined by HTML. The developers directly define what they want, instead of scrutinizing the flow of the program and what gets loaded first. Angular takes into consideration all of the dependencies.

Efficient usage of MVC

In numerous frameworks require the developer to split the application into MVC components. The developer has to further write a code to join them up.

MVC in Angular can be implemented easily and efficiently as it only requires the user to split the application into MVC components. Angular manages and takes care of the rest by serving as a pipeline that connects them.

Lesser Code

Since we don’t need to write the code for the MVC pipeline, therefore the  length and the complexity of our code decreases. Additionally, we define the view by using HTML, which proves to be concise. We also use data binding, which simply means that we do not have to put the data into the view manually. Filters, on the other hand, allow the user to manipulate data on the view level without changing the controllers.

Data Models are POJO

The data models defined in Angular are POJO i.e. Plain Old Java Objects. They do not require functions such as getter and setter. Properties can be added or altered directly in addition to looping over objects and arrays.


AngularJS consists of a feature knows as Directives that allow the developer to build custom HTML tags that serve as new as well as custom widgets. Additionally, they can manipulate DOM attributes.

Dependency Injection

A built-in dependency injection subsystem is present in AngularJS. Dependency Injection can be defined as a software design pattern that deals with how the components get hold of their dependencies.

The AngularJS injector subsystem assists the developer in creating components, resolving their dependencies and providing them to the other components as requested.

High Performance

Robust features such as Filters, Animations, Form Validation, API Client and Routing make AngularJS a powerful framework. These features enhance the web development and make it efficient and simple.


Filters in AngularJS allow the developer to format the data without changing the original format. Angular contains multiple filters to format data of different data types.





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