AWS Solution Architect

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30 hours

Course Price

$ 399.00

4.5 (23)


Course Content



1. Cloud Computing Details

1.1. Cloud Overview

1.2. Cloud Model -Iaas, Paas, Saas and XaaS

1.3. Cloud Deployment Model

2. AWS Product and Platform Service

3. Identity Access Management- IAM

3.1.  Identity Access Management (IAM)

3.2.  IAM Policies

3.3.  IAM Users

3.4.  IAM Groups

3.5.  IAM Roles

3.6.  LAB Session -IAM

     3.7.  LAB - 1-IAM Policy Implementation

     3.8.  LAB - 2-IAM User Implementation

     3.9.  LAB - 3-IAM Group Implementation

     3.10. LAB - 4-IAM Role Implementation


4. Elastic Cloud Compute- EC2

     4.1. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

     4.2. Amazon Machine Images (AMI)

     4.3. Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)

     4.4. EBS Snapshots

     4.5. EC2 Instance Pricing


     4.7. Spot instances

     4.8.Reserved Instances

     4.9.  Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)

     4.10. Auto Scaling Group

     4.11. Elastic File System (EFS)

     4.12. LAB Session -EC2-EBS-AMI-ELB-AutoScalling

     4.13. LAB - 1-Launch and connect to an EC2 Linux instance

     4.14. LAB - 2-Launch and connect to an EC2 Windows instanc

     4.15. LAB - 8-Elastic Load Balancing Implementation

     4.16. LAB - 9-Auto Scaling Implementation


6. Virtual Private Cloud- VPC

  6.1. Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

         6.2. Subnets

  6.3. Internet Gateway

  6.4. Route Tables

  6.5. NAT Gateway

  6.6. Security Groups

  6.7. Network ACLs


  6.9. LAB - 1-Three tier custom VPC Implementation end to end

  6.10.LAB - 3- Subnets Implementation

  6.11.1  LAB - 4- Internet Gateways Configuration

  6.12.2  LAB - 5- Route Tables Configuration


7. Advanced & Hybrid Networking

7.1. VPN

7.2. VPN End point

7.5.  LAB SESSION-Provision Virtual Private Cloud -VPC


8. Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

8.1. Simple Storage Service- S3

8.2. S3 bucket

8.3. S3 Bucket Policy

8.4. S3 Storage Classes

8.5. S3 Versioning

8.6. S3 lifecycle management

8.7. S3 Cross Region Replication


8.9. LAB - 1- Amazon S3 Bucket Implementation

8.10. LAB - 2-Amazon S3 Version Control

8.11.1 LAB - 3-Amazon S3 Lifecycle Management


10. Route53

10.1.  Amazon Route 53

10.2.  Amazon Route 53 and DNS

10.3.LAB SESSION – Rout53

10.4.LAB - 2 Route 53 & S3  Implementation


11. Databases

11.1.Databases Overview

11.2. Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

11.3. RDS Read Replication

11.4. RDS Master and Slave

11.5. RDS Multi AZ


11.7. LAB - 1-Amazon RDS Implementation

11.8. LAB - 3-Amazon DynamoDB

11.9. LAB- 4 Amazon RDS Read Replica Implementation

11.10.LAB- 5 Amazon RDS Multi AZ Configuration

11.11.LAB-6 RDS Backup and restore


12. Application Services

12.1. Application Services Overview

12.2. Simple Queue Service-SQS

12.3. Simple Notification Service-SNS


12.5.LAB - 1-Amazon SNS

12.6. LAB - 1-Amazon SQS


13. Security Practices for Optimum Cloud Deployment

13.1. AWS CloudTrail

13.2. AWS CloudWatch

       13.3. LAB SESSION -Security

       13.4. LAB - 1-Amazon CloudWatch

       13.5. LAB-4 AWS CloudTrail


14. Disaster Recovery

14.1. Disaster Recovery- Introduction

14.2. Overview of Disaster Recovery

14.3. Using AWS products for Disaster Recovery


17. Troubleshooting

17.1. Troubleshooting- Introduction

17.2.  AWS Support

17.3.  Typical AWS Problems

17.4.  Summary of days sesssion

17.5.  Recap


18. AWS Solutions Architect Exam

18.1.  AWS Solutions Architect Exam- Introduction

18.2. Overview of AWS Solutions Architect Exam

18.3. Study tips

18.4. Review Topics

18.5. Summary of days sesssion

18.6. Recap

18.7. Recap of Entire Course/Q&A



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