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21 hours

Course Price

$ 549.00

4.5 (23)


Course Content

Introduction to performance testing

  • Overview of Performance Testing
  • Performance Testing Concepts
  • Why to use performance Testing tool?
  • What is jMeter?

2. Introduction to jMeter

  • jMeter overview
  • jMeter features
  • Working of jMeter
  • Installing and Running jMeter
  • Introducing the jMeter GUI
  • Configuring jMeter

3. jMeter Test Plan

  • What is a Test Plan?
  • Elements of a Test Plan
    • Thread Group
    • Controllers
    • Samplers
    • Logic Controllers
    • Listeners
    • Timers
    • Assertions
    • Configuration Elements
    • Pre-Processor Elements
    • Post-Processor Elements
  • Building a Test Plan
    • Adding and Removing Elements
    • Loading and Saving Elements
    • Configuring Tree Elements
    • Running a Test Plan
  • Database Test Plan
    • Adding Default HTTP Request Properties
    • Adding Cookie Support
    • Adding HTTP Requests
    • Adding Post-Processor for Correlation
    • Adding a Listener to View/Store the Test Results
    • Saving the Test Plan
    • Running the Test Plan
  • FTP test plan
  • Webservice test plan
  • JMS test plan
  • Monitor Test plan
    • Setup Tomcat Server
    • Write jMeter Test Plan
    • Rename test plan
    • Add thread group
    • HTTP authorization manager
    • Add sampler-HTTP request
    • Add constant timer
    • Add listener
    • Run the test plan
    • View output

4. Listeners

  • What are Listeners
  • Different Types of Listeners
  • Default Configuration
  • CSV Log format
  • Saving response data
  • Loading (reading) response data
  • Saving Listener GUI data

5. jMeter Functions and User Variables

  • Where can functions and variables be used?
  • Reference variables and functions
  • Creating User Variables
  • Getting Data from Website
  • Using jMeter Functions
  • Function helper

6. Regular Expressions

  • Create jMeter test plan


Trainer Profile

Interview Questions & Answer


1) What is JMeter?

JMeter is one of the Java tools which is used to perform load testing client/server applications. Apache jmeter is an open source software.

 A 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behaviour and measure performance of the application.


2) What Are The Other Applications That Can Be Tested Using JMeter?

Jmeter is  useful in testing the performance of both static and dynamic resources like files, Servlets, Perl scripts, Java Objects, Data Bases, Queries, FTP Servers and more.
it  can also perform various other types of testing like Functional, Regression, and Unit testing.


3) What are the Protocols supported by JMeter?

Some of the protocols supported by JMeter are:

  • Web: HTTP, HTTPS sites ‘web 1.0’ web 2.0
  • Web Services: SOAP / XML-RPC
  • Database via JDBC: used for testing the database applications.
  • LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
  • Messaging Oriented service via JMS
  • Service: POP3, IMAP, SMTP
  • FTP: File Transfer Protocol provides the support for testing the FTP servers and application

5) What is a Thread group in jmeter?

It is an element of a JMeter test plan which represents a pool of virtual users performing a set of operations.


 6) What do you mean by Test Fragment?

Test fragment is a type of element like Thread Group element. The difference is test fragment is not implemented unless it is referenced by either a Module controller or an Include controller.

7) What is Assertion in JMeter? List the types of Assertion.


Assertion helps to verify that your server under test returns the expected results.The Types of Assertion are:

  • Response Assertion
  • Duration Assertion
  • Size Assertion
  • XML Assertion 
  • HTML Assertion

8) What are the types of Controllers in JMeter?

  • Samplers Controllers – it allow JMeter to send specific types of requests to a server. They simulate a user’s request for a page from the target server.
  • Logical Controllers – it let you control order of processing of Samplers in a Thread. It can change the order of request coming from any of their child elements.

9) What are the benefits provided by JMeter for Performance Testing?

 The benefits provided by JMeter for performance testing are:

  • It can be used to test performance for both static resources and dynamic resources.
  • JMeter can handle a maximum number of concurrent users then your website can handle.
  • It also provides graphical analyses of performance reports.


11) What are the differences between jmeter and loadrunner?




Developed by apache

Developed by Mercury

Open source tool

Licensed software

Less technically sound

More technical capability

Doesnot support sap and siebel

Supports sap, Siebel and peoplesoft

Lacks in UI

UI is very impressive


12)What Is Pre-Processor Element?

Pre-processors are the test plan elements that are executed before the sampler request execution.

 13) Explain What Is Post-Processor?

Post-processors get used for calling an action after a request is made.  Generally, post processors are used for fetching some values from the sampler response and  are utilized for separating the information from the reaction.

 14) What are samplers in JMeter?

Samplers are utilized for sending distinctive kinds of solicitations to the server. A portion of the regularly utilized samplers are – HTTP Request, JDBC Request, SOAP-XML Request, JUnit demand, TCP Sampler and so forth.

 15) How do we create scripts in J-METER?

In order to create, debug and record the scripts in J-METER,  below elements are added:

  • Manager=>Constant Timer=>View Results Tree=>CSV Data Set Config=>Response Assertion=>Aggregate Report
  • Test Plan=>Thread Gruop=>HTTP Request =>HTTP Header Manager=>HTTP Cookies





in one of the industry leading open source performance tools that many organizations use, to assess website/mobile application performance. It is very powerful in assessing load related performance issues, ongoing performance checks against benchmarks, as well as specific scenarios such as tests under peak load, enabling engineering teams isolate and address performance bottlenecks.

Often JMeter is a tool of choice given its ease of use, feature set and it being open source, saving license costs. JMeter is primarily used to generate HTTP Requests on websites, either by simulating browser activity or by calling back end REST APIs.

Below are some additional points to keep in mind in evaluating the tool:

  1. It is easy to use especially in generating load, processing and analyzing the responses of the requests made. No coding is required at the introductory level – all that is needed is to understand the load test scenario and the infrastructure under test
  2. Automatic management of parameters such as cookies to help with session state support
  3. Several configuration options to enable the required load generation (sample requests), analyze the results, including any preprocessing and post-processing of the results. For example, the Beanshell or BSF pre/post processors, response assertion, regular expression extractor, XPath extractor, CSV data set config all provide a lot of test flexibility
  4. JMeter cloud service – BlazeMeter – particularly useful for those that need to scale to a high load without provisioning their own systems.
  5. Programmatic customization – For more lower level detailed programming and fine tuning control of load test actions or processing of results, one could write a JMeter plugin. It is also possible to encapsulate the logic into say a Java class and access it through Beanshell, in the pre/post processor or sampler. These require a deeper understanding of JMeter but is certainly not impossible
  6. Performance engineer needs to set-up the required load test generators/controller machines for simulating Vusers but when on Blazemeter the user has the ability to push large numbers of simulated Vusers by using/spinning the required load engines/generators
  7. A JMeter performance engineer has to typically extract results to analyze them over multiple runs; herein blazemeter has an edge with load test matrices that help analyze each test and compare multiple test results via a dashboard

Some of the key questions that rank high when a choice needs to be made include, how high a concurrent load do you need to generate on the system, how technically skilled are your personnel (yes sometimes this is also a factor to keep in mind in your choice, especially when you have an existing deep rooted performance team), how much programmable/script/code based control would you need from the tool, do you prefer more of a GUI based tool or a programmatic code/script based tool?

JMeter continues to mainly cater to those that want a GUI, moderate to low script/code based control/programmability, moderate to low load generation, and for users in the novice to expert range.


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